Baskin Eisel Rightmyer handles all aspects of guardianships, including uncontested guardianships and guardianship administration. Guardianships, in general, involve the appointment of a Court-supervised guardian, who is sometimes a professional guardian and other times a family member. A professional guardian must pass a rigorous testing process to become a registered guardian, and all guardians are bonded for 100% of the value of the ward’s liquid assets. A family guardian must pass an eight-hour course and undergo a thorough background screening. The guardian is a true fiduciary who is delegated the rights of an incapacitated individual. This delegation is subsequent to entry of the Order Determining Incapacity and issuance of Letters of Guardianship. A guardianship may be a plenary guardianship, where the court removes all of the enumerated statutory rights of an individual, or a limited guardianship, where only some of the rights are removed.